Picture of Rubén D. Pire

Hello There! It's Rubén
I'm a Full-Stack Developer

I have a knack for understanding complex technical requirements and crafting elegant software solutions that empower users. My expertise lies in JavaScript and Ruby. Let's connect and create something amazing together!

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    About Me

    I completed my education at Microverse, honing my skills as a full-stack developer and collaborating with talented peers worldwide. Beyond coding, I hold a degree in Electrical Engineering, allowing me to approach problems from both software and hardware perspectives. I thrive in collaborative environments, valuing teamwork and diverse perspectives. However, I'm equally comfortable working independently, diving deep into code and solving challenges solo.

    See CV

    Core Skills

    • Remote Collaboration
    • Growth Mindset
    • Communication
    • Proactivity
    • Leadership
    • Teamwork

    Core Stack

    • Ruby on Rails
    • Express JS
    • TypeScript
    • React JS
    • Next JS
    • Ruby
    • Sass


    • Design Systems
    • Git / GitHub
    • Google Cloud
    • Vite
    • AWS

    Get Started

    Interested in collaborating or discussing exciting projects? Reach out by filling out the form below, and let's make great things happen!